Andrzej Nowosad

  • Media clusters as a social capital in the Balkans Region in: "Media Biznes Kultura", No 2 (3) 2017, pp. 17-30

    Social capital and clusters are cooperation, knowledge, and trust of individual social units that give better results than the sum of separate activities of these units. Media play an extraordinary role in building social capital. The text presents an analysis of the Balkan states regarding the existence of media clusters ...

  • Evgeniya Grancharova, 2017, The dance in the traditional culture of the Bulgarians in Romania, in Taniec w Kulturze, (ed.) Jerzy Przerębski, Zakopiańskie Centrum Kultury, Zakopane 2017, pp 59-68


  • Margareta Grigorova, Andrzej Nowosad,Bruno and Caravaggio – The heretic philosopher and the heretic artist in the works of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, in: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Historicolitteraria XVI (2016), pp. 61-78

    The present text follows the extraordinary “double portrait” of Bruno and Caravaggio – rebels in science and art, who are being „painted” by the Polish emmigrant writer in his works. They live together in his thoughts for many years. Herling writes series of texts about them, in which the position of the main character changes, but the remaining one is always inseparably present. The texts analyzed are his essay “C ...

  • Antoniya Velkova-Gaydarzhieva, The seasons of Peter Alipiev, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Historicolitteraria XVI (2016), s. 50-60, The poems translated by Andrzej Nowosad

    Peter Alipiev is a fine example of the poetic emblems of the 1960s. Man and nature translate and express themselves. The poetic world of P. Alipiev is unified, round, fundamental. The four seasons, each of them magical, concern a great number of his texts. Different aspects and transformations of life are captured through the use of various seasons. However, human nature is expressed in a wide spectre of emotional states and p ...

  • Nowosad Andrzej, 2016, THE MEDIA IN ROMANIA’S POLITICAL SYSTEM, Proglas, pp 92-113.


  • Andrzej Nowosad, Rafał Wisła (ed.), Countries of the old European Union as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland in: Diversity of development in contemporaneous Europeр Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016.

    Countries of the old European Union as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland (Andrzej Nowosad) This chapter presents characteristic features of countries counted in this research into the old European Union as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland which are not member states of the European Union. This is in total 17 countries of Europe which in Poland is used to be referred to as Western Europe. These countries are prese ...

  • Andrzej Nowosad, Rafał Wisła (ed.), (2016), Diversity of development in contemporaneous Europe, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016.

    The book "Diversification of the development of contemporary Europe" is the result of political and economic research on the changes taking place in contemporary Europe, understood very broadly – from Turkey to the Caucasus. It presents the characteristics of the political and economic system of 44 countries. It indicates the scale of political and economic freedoms, the diversity of economic development, the labor market an ...

  • Andrzej Nowosad - Poems

    Andrzej Nowosad - Poems ...


    The authors explore what they define as gravity effect and its impact on regional dispari‑ ties in labor productivity in 11 Balkan countries from 2000 to 2013. The gravity effect, which is a reference to Newton’s gravity law, is based on the assump‑ tion that regions have some economic influence on one another. The strength of these relationships is proportional to the size of the regional economies and inversely propor ...

  • Andrzej Nowosad, 2015, wiersze w: Kod dostępu, antologia poezji, Kraków 2015, s. 59-64

    Ze Wstępu Joanny Hobot-Marcinek: "Antologia poezji "Kod dostępu" jest efektem niezwykłego i nieoczekiwanego spotkania po latach ludzi, których drogi skrzyżowały się ongiś w prowadzonym przez Jerzego Harasymowicza Krakowskim Klubie Literackim, w którym odkryli oni prawdę, że „poezja to jest odzwierciedlenie, tego (...) czemu się oddają / albo czemu chcą się oddać" (W. Jarosz,To jest to - czym jest co). Ponad ...

  • Andrzej Nowosad, Dziennikarstwo na Bałkanach, w: Modele Współczesnego Dziennikarstwa, pod redakcją Kazimierza Wolnego-Zmorzyńskiego Pawła Urbaniaka, Katarzyny Bernat, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2015, str. 237-256

    Z przeprowadzonej na łamach niniejszego artykułu analizy wynika też, że media na Bałkanach należałoby zaliczyć do modelu śródziemnomorskiego Hallina i Manciniego. Gazety są marginalizowane gospodarczo, a działalność prasowa wymaga subsydiów. W opisywanych krajach występuje wysoki stopień paralelizmu politycznego. Prasa jest zorientowana na życie polityczne, a pluralizm zewnętrzny, tradycja dziennikarstwa o c ...

  • Nowosad Andrzej, 2015, The Greek Children of the war - "Blood Tax" and Home-Coming, in in: New challenges to the Balkans security, vol. 2, Thematic Collective Book, с.138-156

    В текста „Гръцките деца на войната - кръвен данък и завръщане у дома ” е представена проблематиката на гръцките деца, извозени по вре¬ме на гражданската война в Гърция (1944 - 1949) в социалистическите страни. Проведено е изследване на авто ...

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